Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thesis Proposal: Feminism, Redefined

Here is my current thesis proposal, enjoy!

Thesis Proposal: In order for true equality to succeed, the general public’s perception of Feminism requires a drastic change.

1)      Currently, feminism is associated with images of burning bras, man hating, and turning the world into an intense matriarchy. True feminism desires the equality of sexes in a patriartical society. However, this side is never discussed or reported, because extremism is more desirable in the media, in print, and in every day conversation. Because radical feminism is the most widely accepted version of this ideology, conservative men and women alike both impede the progress of true feminism.

2)      It’s time for change. Because feminism has such a negative connotation, important women’s—and men’s—rights are being denied, either by politics or by society. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, not only do all humans have the right to security of person, but also the right to be free from degrading treatment. In our society, patriarchy and misogyny hurt both men and women. How? Because, take for example, the case of a man who experienced statutory rape as a youth. He couldn’t admit that he was assaulted for a long time, because his peers pressured him into thinking he liked and wanted to have intimate relations with a teacher – or else, he was a queer.

3)      Feminsim is essential to women’s socio-political life. It’s because of feminism that we women have the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to go to college and to choose our own destinies. However, because of the public’s negative mindset, feminism has been denied making these leaps and bounds in the socio-political realm.


1 comment:

  1. Yes Yes Yes. Feminism has such a bad name but it really is just about equality.
