Saturday, September 6, 2014

Because Who Doesn't Love Introductions?

To all who are reading this lovely blog of mine, welcome. I hope to entertain you all with my thoughts and other little snippets of my writing during my enrollement in Writing 150. I'm really hoping to become a more persuasive writer, not only for essays, but also for better fiction writing. Plus, INow, on to the good stuff!

Until about four days ago, I was not planning on taking freshman writing AT ALL! I had assumed that my college credits would be excepted, alas, they were not. Because I am a sophomore, I had a hold placed on my account. That's right. A hold. I couldn't register for any classes until I had taken Writing 150, but that also meant I couldn't take this class. Bit of a catch 22, don't you think? Well, after much panic, here I am, in a freshman writing class as a sophomore. Funny, I know.

So, a little about me, because I know that's the only reason you'd be reading this. As I said previously, I am a sophomore and turned 19 a few months ago.

Me and my bud, Judd at graduation
I'm majoring in Civil Engineering and I love it so much! Really, it's the best major for me, because it combines math and science, two of my favorite subjects. I hope to one day design structures and other household items for individuals in developing countries. I can't wait to get started with that dream!
I'm from a little town in Texas called Muleshoe, twenty miles from both Earth, TX and Sudan, TX. Don't worry about the strange town names; they're pretty common place in small town Texas. Some interesting ones include, but are not limited to:
  • Progress
  • Half-way
  • Circle Back
  • Sunshine
  • Paris
  • Guy
  • And a never ending variety of towns ending with -field or -view
Muleshoe is famous for, you guessed it, Muleshoes! We even have the largest muleshoe in the world, as well as a mule statue that has visited the president. 

More about me: I love reading any kind of book, except romance (they are stereotypically pretty raunchy.) My favorite genre is Young Adult and I am currently extremely ecstatic about Blood Of Olympus coming out! Speaking of novels, I am in the progress of writing one, based on a pinterest post I once saw. If you want to know more, just ask!
Writing, reading, listening to music and having random dance parties are some of my favorite hobbies. I also enjoy Sherlock, Star Trek (Jean Luc Picard is my homeboy!), Once Upon a Time, and documentaries, especially ones dealing with women's issues. That's all I can really think about in ways of introductions at the moment.


  1. Dang Sarah! Your hometown sounds awesome! I'm born and raised in Orem, UT (about 5 min from provo) so I always love to hear bout other places. I love that you're a fan of Jean Luc Picard. I watched the whole Next Generation with my mom in 9th grade so I love it! If you're a fan of young adult fiction I have plenty of suggestions for you. I don't know if you've read Maze Runner, Rangers Apprentice, The Godling chronicles, or The Prydain Chronicles, but those are some of my favorites from that genre.

  2. I can tell you have a very fun sense of humor. It's prevalent in your writing. :) I hope you enjoy this class.
