Sunday, September 14, 2014

Introduction: Feminism, Redefined

Intro: Three months, maybe more. That’s how long I had to endure the almost daily harassment from the lunch table across from me. Most days, I wore jeans and a tee shirt, but still, the crass catcalls and comments still poured in from the myriad of boys. No one blinked an eye or even stood up for me, until I stood up for myself. And yet, I’m still asked why I need feminism.

I get asked why a self respecting LDS woman would want to associate herself with a ideology intent on destroying the family, the Priesthood, and the world as we know it. Even when I convince one individual that “not all feminists are like that,” another three or four anti-feminists rear their angry heads. I feel like Hercules, fighting a never ending hydra of misogyny and hatred. What these women, and men, don’t understand is that feminism is crucial to survival in the socio-political sphere. It’s crucial to true equality. If someone were to ask my why equality hasn’t occurred yet, I would respond, stating that true feminism hasn’t been fully accepted. It’s my belief that in order for true equality to succeed and thrive, that the general public’s perception of feminism must undergo a drastic change.

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